Main tests for womb cancer

If a GP refers you to a specialist, you will have tests to check if you have womb cancer.

The tests you have will depend on your symptoms. They can include:

The tests should not be painful, but you may find some uncomfortable. Talk to a healthcare professional if you are feeling uncomfortable.

If you have a biopsy, you may have a small amount of cramping or bleeding from your vagina afterwards.

Getting your results

You should get the results of your tests within a few weeks.

Try not to worry if your results are taking longer than you expect. It does not mean anything is wrong.

You can call the hospital or GP if you're worried. They should be able to update you.

A specialist will explain what the results mean and what will happen next. You may want to bring someone with you for support.

If you're told you have womb cancer

Being told you have womb cancer can feel overwhelming. You may be feeling anxious about what will happen next.

It can help to bring someone with you to any appointments you have.

A group of specialists will look after you throughout your diagnosis, during and after treatment.

Your team will include a clinical nurse specialist who will be your main point of contact during and after treatment.

You can ask them any questions you have.

Next steps

If you've been told you have womb cancer, you'll usually need more tests, such as:

These, along with the test you have had will help the specialists find out the size of the cancer and how far it's spread (called the stage).

Find out about what womb cancer stages and grades mean on Cancer Research UK.

Your tests may show you have Lynch syndrome. This is a rare condition that can cause some types of cancer. If you have Lynch syndrome, it's important for other people in your family who have a womb to get tested for it too.